Completed new AppleFund Claim Form. (For claims exceeding $15,000, Apple Education sales representative or ECDE must pre-review and sign off.)
Consultants/Specialists and Student Reps
Please contact your Apple ECDE prior to initiating any activity involving Consultants/Specialists or Student Representatives (Student Reps). The ECDE’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity.
Qualifying Media/Activities:
Consultant/Specialist services (with proven expertise) for the following subject areas:
Vertical market penetration.
Education Curriculum Solutions.
Consultant/Specialist services for the administration and/or training associated with the Educator Advantage™ program.
Student reps on campus.
Production/Special Requirements:
Use of Consultants/Specialists must be a component of an overall market development plan.
ECDE must be provided with specific proposal from Consultant/Specialist.
Apple Student Reps must be paid by the AESC in salary stipend only.
Student Reps may be hired and paid through a temporary service. In-house hiring is also eligible.
ECDE must pre-review and sign off on all Consultant/Specialist and student rep claims. Apple DSM must pre-review and sign off on all expenditures of $25,000 or more.
Up to 100% of services and consulting fees, including applicable sales tax.
Employee salaries, or other expenses not outlined above.
When submitting a Consultant/Specialist claim, you must include the following:
Proposal from Consultant/Specialist outlining objectives, timing, method, results, and payment terms. Proposal must be signed by both the AESC and ECDE; proposal may be a one-page summary prepared by Consultant/Specialist.
Itemized invoice noting Consultant/Specialist/student rep’s services. Photocopies are acceptable.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with appropriate Apple signatures, when required.
Direct Mail/Newsletters
Please contact your Apple Education sales representative or ECDE prior to initiating any Direct Mail or Newsletter activity over $15,000. The Apple Education sales representative or ECDE’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity if above this dollar amount.
Qualifying Media/Activities:
Product and event mailers, catalogs, store brochures, newsletters.
Money Mailer mailings, Educator Advantage GPP or IPP information/schedule mailings.
Mail list rental/purchase, mailhouse services, printing, and postage.
Chamber of Commerce Directory purchase.
User Group newsletters, training calendars, and Apple Training Alliance (ATA) courses.
Education Price Lists.
Production/Special Requirements:
Must include Authorized Education Sales Consultant (AESC) logo, shown legibly, and correct trademark notations or credit lines in copy (see Apple Positioning section).
Descriptive copy required (see Apple Positioning section).
Apple Education sales representative or ECDE must preview and sign off on all expenditures of $15,000 or more. Apple DSM must preview and sign off on expenditures of $25,000 or more.
Up to 100% of the prorated direct mail piece or newsletter, production costs (layout, typesetting, photography), applicable sales tax,
Up to 100% for materials featuring software and non-competitive hardware, provided that the piece is at least 50% devoted to Apple hardware.
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Agency fees, employee salaries, express mail charges, card packs, blind mailings or inserts*, AESC customer lists. (*Exception: Inserts placed in school newspapers or student mailboxes are reimbursable.)
When submitting a Direct Mail/Newsletter claim, you must include the following:
Copies of itemized production invoices for production, printing, mail house cost, mail list rental/purchase, Chamber of Commerce Directory purchase.
Original postal receipts noting quantity, weight, and date mailed. Copies of cancelled checks will not be accepted. If mailing is done in-house, a signed letter from an officer of the company is required, stating the quantity mailed and postage costs.
One complete original of the produced piece. Photocopies will not be accepted.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with appropriate Apple signatures, when required.
Merchandising and Signage
Please contact your Apple Education sales representative or ECDE prior to initiating any Merchandising or Signage activity. The Apple Education sales representative or ECDE’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity.
Qualifying Media/Activities:
Apple collateral (purchased from the Apple Print Program).
Exterior location signage.
AESC business cards, stationery, and envelopes, if Apple-exclusive.
Permanent vehicle customization (applies to all vehicles, excluding boats, motorcycles, race cars, hot air balloons, and aircraft). Includes inside customization (e.g., installation of Apple equipment racks) and outside customization (e.g., painting).
Customized uniforms (if Apple-exclusive) for service personnel only.
Production/Special Requirements:
Interior display modules, signage, and banners must be 100% devoted to Apple and legibly display the Apple corporate name or AESC logo. All must include proper legal Apple registration mark or Apple product trademarks.
Exterior signage must prominently display the AESC logo, at least one-third the height of AESC's name. Logo placement must fulfill the Apple logo placing requirement.
All materials (uniforms, business cards, stationery, signage, etc.) must include AESC logo and AESC name, and be exclusive to Apple.
Vehicle customization must be permanent; decals and magnets are not eligible.
Customized vehicles must be Apple-exclusive to be eligible for reimbursement.
Your Apple Education sales representative or ECDE must sign all Merchandising and signage claims. Apple DSM must pre-review and sign off on all expenditures of $25,000 or more.
Up to 100% for qualifying activities, production costs (layout, typesetting, photography) for space devoted to Apple, and applicable sales tax on qualifying expenses.
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Agency fees, generic stands, racks, desks or computer furniture, mileage, gasoline, vehicle purchase cost, or any other expenses not outlined above.
When submitting a Merchandising or Signage claim, you must include the following:
Itemized invoices (where applicable) for installation, construction, painting/customization, and/or printing.
Apple Print purchases must be reimbursed through the Direct Deduct process (see Special Services section).
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with appropriate Apple signatures, when required.
Seed Unit Program
Please contact your Apple ECDE prior to initiating any Seed Unit Program activity. The ECDE’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity.
Qualifying equipment:
Authorized AESCs can purchase up to twenty (20) seed unit configurations per location, per calendar year. The minimum configuration is a Complete System (i.e., CPU, keyboard, disk drive, and monitor). A configuration may include, but is not limited to, a CD-ROM drive, scanner, modem, printer, and expansion cards (Apple products only). All of the items in each claimed configuration must be purchased together on the same purchase order. (Exception: LaserWriter printers can be purchased as stand-alone products and count as one of the twenty [20] allowable units.) Seed units cannot be taken from inventory.
Production/Special Requirements:
The Apple seed unit system must be a component of an overall market development plan.
The AESC must complete and sign an Apple Seed Unit Agreement acknowledging that the products will not be sold until after used as a Seed Unit for at least ninety (90) days. Completed agreement must be submitted with claim. Claims submitted with incomplete Seed Unit Agreement forms will be returned to the AESC.
Seed unit claims must be received at AppleFund Headquarters within ninety (90) days of invoice date. In cases where one or more components are backlogged, the date of the last invoice will be used for auditing.
Seed Unit Agreement forms are available in the Forms folder of the AppleFund Program folder under the Apple Programs icon on AppleLink.
ECDE must pre-review and sign all seed unit claims. Apple DSM must pre-review and sign off on all expenditures of $25,000 or more.
100% of AESC cost of the Apple system for Seed Units, not to exceed twenty (20) system configurations per location, per calendar year.
Up to 100% of applicable sales tax on purchased product.
Up to 100% of costs of units rented from the Apple Authorized Seed Providers.
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Product taken from Reseller inventory, demonstration units, software, third-party products, or any other expenses not outlined above.
When submitting a Seed Unit claim, you must include the following:
Original completed and signed Apple Seed Unit Agreement.
Apple invoice (or Corporate Headquarters invoice for franchise). Photocopies are acceptable.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with Apple signatures, when required.
Seminars and Events
Please contact your Apple Education sales representative or ECDE prior to initiating any Seminar or Event activity. The Apple Education sales representative or ECDE’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity.
Qualifying Media/Activities:
Apple portion of seminars and events, including Apple Corporate and field-sponsored events, executive briefings at Cupertino or local/regional Briefing Centers.
Entrance/registration fees and travel to industry events (e.g., MacWorld, Seybold, Comdex), plus travel, lodging, and entrance fees for Education customers attending these events.
Seminar and event program advertising and invitations; seminar materials/handouts (e.g., presentation folders).
Trade shows, including booth cleaning, exhibitor fees, space rental, electrical, set-up, tear-down, Apple-dedicated signage, event signage, and banners (see “Merchandising and signage”).
Licensed security firm for shows and events where Apple presence is at least 50%.
Guest speaker fees.
A/V equipment rentals (up to 50%).
Food and non-alcoholic beverages (including catering/serving fees) for seminar attendees only.
Sales Representative Recognition Event/Awards dinner (requires Apple DSM sign off ).
Travel and lodging for AESC employees working at or attending seminars or events (within the United States only):
Auto: 27¢ per mile or car rental
Taxi fare
Hotel: Cost of room only
Parking at airport or bus/train station
Air: Roundtrip coach airfare*
Mileage to/from airport or bus/train station
Roundtrip bus/train fare
Shuttle flights
Bridge and toll fees
Food: Not to exceed $25 per meal or $50/ day. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement.
* Coach airfare eligible only when destination is over 120 miles (one way) from AESC location.
Production/Special Requirements:
Seminar or event must be targeted toward a specific audience/market segment or a market development event.
Seminar materials, such as presentation folders, must include the AESC logo, and proper use of Apple trademarks or credit lines (see Apple Positioning section).
Apple Education sales representative or ECDE must pre-review and sign all claims for Seminars and Events. Apple DSM must sign off on all expenditures of $25,000 or more.
Up to 100% of all qualifying activities and expenses, including sales tax.
Any seminar, event, or trade show where competitive CPUs and peripherals are featured will be prorated to reimburse only the Apple portion. One competitive CPU may be shown as part of an Apple Desktop solution, but may not be sold or featured.
Activities that include software or non-competitive peripherals (products not offered by Apple) as components of an Apple solution may receive full reimbursement as long as the products featured do not exceed 50% of the total Apple activity.
Up to 100% of purchases of A/V equipment dedicated to Apple products and technology (i.e., products that work only with Apple products).
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Guest speaker fees paid to an employee of the AESC.
Guest speaker travel, meals, lodging, or personal expenses.
Customer personal expenses.
Limousines, chartered buses, chartered planes, helicopters, hot air balloons.
Generic decoration, flowers, plant rental. (Exception: Merchandise correctly displaying the Apple logo.)
Sponsorship of professional/local sporting events and games.
Travel outside the United States.
Agency fees, express mail, employee salaries, alcoholic beverages, meals for AESC employees, or any other expenses not outlined above.
When submitting a Seminar or Event claim, you must include the following:
Itemized invoices or receipts for all expenses being claimed, including mileage statement if applicable.
Complete original sample of event program, invitation, and/or seminar materials, if applicable.
Completed and signed Waiver and Release Form for each customer, for all customer travel/lodging claims.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with appropriate Apple signatures, when required.
PROMOTIONS AND Sales Incentives
Qualifying Media/Activities:
All items from the Apple Merchandising Program catalog.
Apple product(s), promotional items produced locally by AESCs for giveaway or for contests/sweepstakes, such as caps, mugs, pens, bumper stickers, key chains, etc, and other preapproved, non-competitive products. Link questions to: APPLEFUND.
Event tickets, gift certificates, American Express Gift Checks®, store drawings, or giveaways at seminars or events.
Travel and lodging (within the United States only):
Auto: 27¢ per mile or car rental
Taxi fare
Hotel: Cost of room only
Parking at airport or bus/train station
Air: Roundtrip coach airfare*
Mileage to/from airport or bus/train station
Roundtrip bus/train fare
Shuttle flights
Bridge and toll fees
Food: Not to exceed $25 per meal or $50/ day. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement.
* Coach airfare eligible only when destination is over 120 miles (one way) from AESC location.
Production/Special Requirements:
AESCs must obtain a receipt signed by each winner/recipient if product is valued at $25 or more.
AESCs must provide each winner/recipient with a Federal 1099 form for tax purposes if product is valued over $600.
All Promotions and Sales Incentives must be a component of an overall market development plan.
All materials (including AESC-produced items) must include the proper Apple registration marks or credit lines (see Apple Positioning section).
Apple Education sales representative or ECDE must sign all Promotions and Sales Incentives claims. (Exception: purchases made through the Apple Merchandising Program.) Apple DSM must sign all expenditures over $25,000.
Up to 100% of qualifying activities, not to exceed $10,000 per location, per calendar year; aggregate limit of qualifying activities.
Up to 100% production costs (layout, typesetting, photography), applicable sales tax.
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Sales incentives for AESC principals.
Cash, dollars-off dealership coupons, savings bonds, stock, items for resale, donations, auctions, competitive products, agency fees, or any other expenses not outlined above.
When submitting a Sales Incentives claim, you must include the following:
Apple invoice (or Corporate Headquarters invoice if franchise) to substantiate product purchase not out of inventory.
Itemized receipt of promotional items purchased (including Apple Merchandising Program catalog items).
For AESC-produced promotional items, a sample item (or legible color photograph) with Apple logo clearly featured.
Statement of receipt signed by each winner/recipient of Sales Promotion, detailing what was received (e.g., Apple product, Merchandising Program items, etc.) and value., if more than $25.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with appropriate Apple signatures, when required.
When submitting a SALES INCENTIVE claim, you must include the following:
Apple invoice (or Corporate Headquarters invoice if franchise) to substantiate product purchase not out of inventory.
Itemized receipts from supplier(s) (such as travel agents, airlines) for prize expenditures. If not billed as “travel package,” itemized receipts for all claimed travel expenses. Photocopies are acceptable.
Itemized receipt(s) showing total purchase of event ticket(s), gift certificates, or American Express Gift Checks. Photocopies are acceptable.
Statement of receipt signed by each winner/recipient of Sales Incentive, detailing what was received (e.g., Apple product, Merchandising Program items, etc.) and value., if more than $25.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with appropriate Apple signatures, when required.
Please contact your Apple ECDE prior to initiating any Training activity. The ECDE’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity.
Qualifying Media/Activities:
All Apple-sponsored sales and service training.
Classroom equipment purchases: up to 30 Macintosh or 15 Apple IIGS® systems with printers and peripherals per location, per calendar year (up to 50%).
A/V equipment (up to 50%).
One-time purchase of LaserDisc player per training facility.
Training materials for classroom use (e.g., presentation folders).
Apple Training Alliance (ATA) courses.
Business and financial management conferences/event registration fees—AESC principals and managers only.
Demonstration software purchases up to $5,000 per location, per calendar year.
Travel and lodging to and from training (within the United States only:
Auto: 27¢ per mile or car rental.
Taxi fare.
Hotel: Cost of room only.
Parking at airport or bus/train station
Air: Roundtrip coach airfare*
Mileage to/from airport or bus/train station.
Roundtrip bus/train fare.
Shuttle flights.
Bridge and toll fees.
Food: Not to exceed $25 per meal or $50 per day. receipts must be submitted for reimbursement.
* Coach airfare eligible only when destination is over 120 miles (one way) from AESC location.
Video disks published by the following companies only:
Optical Data
Scholastic Software
The Voyager Company
Video Discovery
Production/Special Requirements:
To claim travel/lodging expenses for -0- cost Apple training courses, a certificate of attendance must be obtained during training course attendance and submitted with claim.
Training materials for AESC-provided training must include the AESC logo and proper use of Apple trademark or credit lines (see Apple Positioning section).
Training classroom equipment must reside at your location or be approved by your DSM. Training classroom equipment claims must be received at AppleFund Headquarters within ninety (90) days of invoice date. In cases where one or more components are backlogged, the date of the backlog invoice will be used for auditing.
Apple ECDE must sign all Training claims. Apple DSM must pre-review and sign off on all expenditures of $25,000 or more, and all non-Apple-sponsored training and non-Apple equipment purchases. (Exception: Apple-sponsored training does not require any Apple field signatures.)
Up to 100% of training and specified travel costs, including sales tax.
Up to 100% of purchases of A/V equipment dedicated to Apple products and technology (i.e., products that work only with Apple products).
Up to 50% of qualified training classroom equipment purchases, A/V rental and purchase for non-Apple-dedicated equipment. Apple will pay a prorated share of the total costs (no more than 50%) if sales of competitive hardware products also benefit from third-party training.
Activities that include software or non-competitive peripherals (products not offered by Apple) as components of an Apple solution may receive full reimbursement as long as the products featured do not exceed 50% of the total Apple activity.
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Travel, food, and lodging, or personal expenses for non-AESC employees.
No-show or cancellation costs for any Apple or third-party training.
Training classroom equipment taken directly from Reseller inventory.
Limousines, chartered buses, chartered planes, helicopters, hot air balloons, generic decorations, flowers, plant rental. (Exception: Merchandise correctly displaying the Apple logo.)
Travel outside the United States or any other expenses not outlined above.
When submitting a Training claim, you must include the following:
Itemized invoice of equipment purchased or training attended, and other related expenses.
Certificate of attendance for -0- cost Apple training courses. Your regional training site should provide you with this document at the end of the class or immediately thereafter by mail.
Receipt or copy of registration form accompanied by copy of cancelled check (both sides) for attendance at third-party training.
Itemized receipts for all travel and lodging expenses, and names of all employees trained. Photocopies are acceptable.
Complete original sample of training materials if AESC-provided training.
Completed AppleFund Claim Form with Apple signatures, when required.
Special Projects
Please contact your Apple ECDE prior to initiating any Special Projects activities. The ECDE’s and DSM’s agreement must be received prior to commencing this activity.
You are required to submit a Special Projects form TO YOUR DSM before initiating any Special Project activity. Please contact your Apple ECDE for more information.
Qualifying Media/Activities:
The Special Projects menu item is intended to increase demand for Apple Products through the use of specialized, preapproved activities not identified under other menu items. These activities should be integrated with your Sales & Marketing plan, focusing on Authorized Customers only.
Production/Special Requirements:
All requests for Special Projects must be preapproved by your Apple DSM. See your ECDE for further details.
Up to 100%, subject to your Apple DSM approval.
Nonreimbursable Expenses:
Any activity reimbursable under another menu item.
Insurance premiums, legal fees, political contributions, employee compensation.
Cash or checks drawn to cash or bearer.
Alcoholic beverages, limousines, chartered buses, chartered planes, boats, helicopters, hot air balloons.
Any other expenses not described in request and approved by your DSM.
Any activity embarrassing to Apple or presenting the appearance of impropriety.
Any offer, solicitation, or provision of payments, gifts, or entertainment to any public official (school or otherwise).
Any activity intended to unduly influence a customer’s decision-making process, or that violates the laws or regulations of any State, or is hazardous to health and/or safety.